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  • About | ACS amsterdam

    About the Amsterdam Cohort Study The Amsterdam Cohort Study (ACS) on HIV/AIDS and other blood-borne infections (BBI), sexually transmittable infections (STI) and other infections is a prospective observational cohort study. The ACS among men who have sex with men (MSM) started in 1984. In 1985, the study was expanded to include people who use drugs (PWUD). Early on, research focused on HIV/AIDS. Later, the study was broadened to include research on hepatitis viruses A,B, and C, Chlamydia, gonorrhoeae, human papillomavirus (HPV), herpesviruses, coronaviruses, etc. From the outset, research within the ACS has taken a multidisciplinary approach. The ACS investigates the prevalence and incidence of infections, associated determinants and the natural course and pathogenesis of these infections. ACS among people who use drugs (PWUD) As of 31 December 2016, 1,680 PWUD were included in the ACS and contributed 28,194 visits. In 2014, the cohort was closed to new participants. Regular follow up of PWUD continued until February 2016. All PWUD who had ever participated in the ACS were then invited for an end-of-study interview and follow up was successfully ended in July 2016. read more » ACS among men who have sex with men (MSM) As of 31 December 2020, 2,901 MSM were included in the ACS. Every three to six months, participants complete a standardised questionnaire designed to obtain data regarding medical history, sexual behaviour and drug use, psychosocial determinants, health care use, signs of depression and other psychological disorders, and demographics. Moreover, blood is collected for diagnostic tests and storage at the ACS biobank. read more » Collaborating Institutes and Funding Within the ACS, different institutes collaborate to bring together data and biological sample collections, and to conduct research. These include: From the start, Sanquin Blood Supply Foundation has been involved in the ACS and, since 2007, has provided financial support for the biobank of viable peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) at the AMC’s Department of Experimental Immunology. In addition, there are numerous collaborations between the ACS and other research groups, both within and outside the Netherlands. The ACS is financially supported by the Centre for Infectious Disease Control Netherlands of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (Centrum voor Infectieziektenbestrijding-Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, RIVM-CIb). Ethics Statement Project Team Advisory Board ACS People The ACS team consists of scientists with different background, PhD students, study nurses, medical doctors and data managers. Data collection takes place at the GGD Amsterdam and additional lab tests are performed at the UMC Amsterdam, location Meibergdreef. The study is directed by the steering committee. The advisory board advices on the scientific direction of the study.

  • Scientific Articles | ACS amsterdam

    ACS Scientific Articles The Amsterdam Cohort Studies (ACS) publishes data that can can be used publicly. Also there are several other publications on the topic that can be found and downloaded below. Public Data Scientific Articles overview & downloads Title Authors Description Download Paper Publication Name of Authors Describing text Nog een Title Author 1 en Author 2 en Author 3 Centrum Infectieziektebestrijding van het RIVM. Vele (internationale) publicaties en proefschriften zijn uit dit samenwerkingsverband voortgekomen. Publication Title Amy Matser De ACS is onderdeel van de Stichting HIV monitoring en wordt financieel ondersteund door het Centrum Infectieziektebestrijding van het RIVM. Vele (internationale) publicaties en proefschriften zijn uit dit samenwerkingsverband voortgekomen. sdflkjgasdlkv sdflkjvadfs;kvh df.kjbk;hv Title of paper Jake Houbiers Kleine beschrijving Title of publication Authors names Short Description

  • Participants | ACS amsterdam

    Interested in participating? Would you like to contribute to the Amsterdam Cohort Studies by participating in this ongoing study? We are happy to have you join our research group. You can join if you: are at least 18 years old live in Amsterdam or have a tight connection with the city have had at least 1 male sexual partner in the past 6 months and are willing to participate e-mail us directly » ACS for participants The ACS is a very scientifically successful study, which is due to its participants who are willing to visit the study every 6 months. We are grateful for their commitment. Some participants have been participating since that start of the study. Every year new people join the study and some participants leave. Participation is voluntary and you can stop at any time. The ACS aims to be a good reflection of the MSM community in Amsterdam. read more about ACS » Study protocol After assessing the inclusion criteria and providing written informed consent, you will enter one of the study arms. To find out more read our: Study Protocol Privacy statement The ACS collects data from study participants. You will have to give informed consent to conduct research with your data within the scope of the study. We always comply with laws and regulations such as the GDPR. See our: Privacy & Ethics Statement

  • Public Data | ACS amsterdam

    Download Data Sets File Name Description File Type Download Title of Data Set Description of Data Set file type Title of Data Set Description of Data Set file type ACS Public data & downloads The Amsterdam Cohort Studies (ACS) publishes data that can can be used publicly. There are several publications, the yearly reports and of course the public data set which you can use for your own research. ACS scientific year reports are published in the HIV monitoring report of the Dutch HIV Monitoring Foundation (Stichting hiv monitoring). Annual reports of the ACS are published in the annual reports of the Dutch HIV Monitoring Foundation Downloads (Dutch) » Downloads (English) » Download Data Sets » Download Year Reports » Download Theses » Other Publications » Download ACS Year Reports File Name Description Year Download ACS Summary 2001-2009 (PDF) A summary of the results 2001-2009 2001 - 2009 ACS Summary 1996-2000 (PDF) A summary of the results 1996-2000 1996-2000 ACS Summary 1984-1995 (PDF) A summary of the results 1984-1995 1984-1995 Download Theses Astrid Newsum Acute hepatitis C virus infection among men who have sex with men. Epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes. 2020 Download Femke Lambers Changing perspectives. Hepatitis C virus infection in key population. 2020 Download Roel Achterbergh Sex, drugs and mental health among men who have sex with men. 2020 Download Janneke Bil HIV, hepatitis B & C, and sexually transmitted infections: innovations in prevention and testing. 2019 Download Sabrina Merat Protective antibody responses against HCV E1E2 in high risk populations. 2019 Download Earlier Thesis Publications Overview of Thesis Publications 1984 - 2018 1984 - 2018 Download

  • Deelnemers | ACS amsterdam

    Interested in participating? Would you like to contribute to the Amsterdam Cohort Studies by participating in this ongoing study? We are happy to have you join our research group. You can join if you: are at least 18 years old live in Amsterdam or have a tight connection with the city have had at least 1 male sexual partner in the past 6 months and are willing to participate e-mail us directly » ACS for participants The ACS is a very scientifically successful study, which is due to its participants who are willing to visit the study every 6 months. We are grateful for their commitment. Some participants have been participating since that start of the study. Every year new people join the study and some participants leave. Participation is voluntary and you can stop at any time. The ACS aims to be a good reflection of the MSM community in Amsterdam. read more about ACS » Study protocol After assessing the inclusion criteria and providing written informed consent, you will enter one of the study arms. To find out more read our: Study Protocol Privacy statement The ACS collects data from study participants. You will have to give informed consent to conduct research with your data within the scope of the study. We always comply with laws and regulations such as the GDPR. See our: Privacy & Ethics Statement

  • Team & Board | ACS amsterdam

    ACS Team members Short text introducing all team members and what tey have in common / dedication to.... Payton Hillman GGD Amsterdam James Wilson Affiliates Jessica Davis Affiliates Chloe Williams Affiliates ACS Advisory board Short text introducing all team members and what tey have in common / dedication to.... Payton Hillman GGD Amsterdam James Wilson Affiliates Jessica Davis Affiliates Chloe Williams Affiliates

  • Researchers | ACS amsterdam

    ACS for researchers The ACS is a longitudinal study with >35 years of follow-up. The data and material collection is large and offers many opportunities for research. The ACS team enjoys working with scientists all over the world. On this page, we share our study protocol, information on our data collection, and recent questionnaires. We also explain how to submit a research proposal to collaborate with the ACS and obtain data. Submit your research proposal Are you planning a research project? Then, you can submit a research proposal to obtain data or material of participants from the Amsterdam Cohort Studies. Please use the following documents for your proposal: If you are affiliated with the ACS, you can send your research proposal to Neeltje Kootstra ( ). You will receive a receipt within 3 days. The project leaders of ACS decide whether the application will be approved, a process that requires sufficient time. If the proposal is approved , we will make an appointment with you to further arrange the sharing of data or materials. If you are not affiliated with the ACS, please contact Neeltje Kootstra ( ) before submitting your full proposal. data request form » material request form » ACS Study Protocol Inclusion criteria: Being male Having had sex with a men in the preceding 6 months Being at least 16 years of age Proficient in reading/speaking Dutch/English Living in the Amsterdam area or being involved in MSM-related activities taking place in Amsterdam Provide written informed consent Study arm specific inclusion criteria: HIV-negative, confirmed by the HIV test performed at the baseline visit [Study arm 1 & 2] Not using PrEP or being in PrEP-care elsewhere [Study arm 1] Using PrEP or initiate PrEP use at baseline and PrEP-care provided by research personnel of the cohort [Study arm 2] HIV-1-positive at baseline [Study arm 3] HIV-1 seroconversion during a follow-up [Study arm 4] ​ After assessing the inclusion criteria and providing written informed consent, the participant enters ACS study arm 1, 2 or 3. Study arm 1: Participants are HIV-negative and are not using PrEP or they receive PrEP-care elsewhere. Study arm 2: Participants are HIV-negative, they are using PrEP and receive PrEP-care at the GGD Amsterdam. Study arm 3: Participants are HIV-positive. Study visits: Baseline visit. All study participants complete a study staff assisted report form about key demographic characteristics and medical history. Additionally, participants complete an online questionnaire about other socio-demographic characteristics, health, wellbeing, sexual behavior and associated factors. HIV/STI tests are performed and blood is collected for storage. 6-monthly follow-up visits. Semiannually, all participants receive an online questionnaire about health, wellbeing, sexual behavior and associated factors. HIV/STI tests are performed and blood is collected for storage. 3-monthly in-between study visits. Participants in study arm 2 have 2 extra in-between visits for PrEP-care. HIV/STI tests are performed. Prior to this visit, participants complete a short health questionnaire. HIV-positive participants in study arm 3 are given the opportunity to be tested for STI every 3 months. If they prefer 3-monthly visits, they also complete the additional health questionnaire. Study arm 4: Participants are newly diagnosed with HIV during follow-up. ​ The participant is invited for an extra study visit (the seroconversion visit) in which he completes the study staff assisted seroconversion report form and is asked to participate in study arm 4. During the first 6 months after the seroconversion visit, participants visit the cohort every month to draw blood and complete a short health questionnaire. After this period follow-up becomes comparable to study arm 3. ​ ​ Guidelines for using ACS data The ACS collects data from study participants. They have given informed consent to conduct research within the scope of the study. This is one of the criteria that is considered when a research proposal is submitted. It is not allowed to use data for other reasons than the approved research proposal. In addition, you must comply with laws and regulations such as the GDPR. A data or material sharing agreement must be signed in advance. Data Collection Participants complete online questionnaires prior to their study visits. During the study visits, additional data are collected and samples are taken for HIV/STI testing and storage. Currently, the following questionnaires are used: Questionnare 01 Questionnare 02

  • ACS among pwud | ACS amsterdam

    « home ACS among people who use drugs (PWUD) As of 31 December 2016, 1,680 PWUD were included in the ACS and contributed 28,194 visits. In 2014, the cohort was closed to new participants. Regular follow up of PWUD continued until February 2016. All PWUD who had ever participated in the ACS were then invited for an end-of-study interview and follow up was successfully ended in July 2016. Of the 1,680 PWUD, 323 were HIV-positive at entry, and 99 seroconverted during follow up. The last HIV seroconversion was seen in 2012. By 31 December 2016, 576 deaths had been confirmed among PWUD. The median age of the PWUD who visited the ACS in 2016 was 55 (IQR 49-59) years, 8.1% had attained a high level of education, and 63.4% were born in the Netherlands. Research on data this cohort is still ongoing. home Search Website

  • Ethics Statement | ACS amsterdam

    « home ACS - Ethics Statement The ACS has been conducted in accordance with the ethical principles set out in the Helsinki declaration. Participation in the ACS is voluntary and written informed consent is obtained from each participant. The most recent version was approved by the AMC medical ethics committee in 2007 for the MSM cohort, and in 2009 for the PWUD cohort. The ACS complies with the GDPR. Click here for the privacy statement in Dutch home Search Website

  • Home | ACS amsterdam

    About the Amsterdam Cohort Study The Amsterdam Cohort Study (ACS) on HIV/AIDS and other blood-borne infections (BBI), sexually transmittable infections (STI) and other infections is a prospective observational cohort study. The ACS among men who have sex with men (MSM) started in 1984. In 1985, the study was expanded to include people who use drugs (PWUD). Early on, research focused on HIV/AIDS. Later, the study was broadened to include research on hepatitis viruses A,B, and C, Chlamydia, gonorrhoeae, human papillomavirus (HPV), herpesviruses, coronaviruses, etc. From the outset, research within the ACS has taken a multidisciplinary approach. The ACS investigates the prevalence and incidence of infections, associated determinants and the natural course and pathogenesis of these infections. read more » ACS for researchers The ACS is a longitudinal study with >35 years of follow-up. The data and material collection is large and offers many opportunities for research. The ACS team enjoys working with scientists all over the world. On this page you will find how to work together with the ACS and we provide information on our study protocol and data collection. read more » ACS for participants Scientifically, the ACS is a very successful study. This is due to its highly commitment participants who visit the study every 6 months. We are grateful for their commitment. Some participants have been participating since that start of the study. Every year new people join the study and some participants leave. Participation is voluntary and you can stop at any time. The ACS aims to be a good reflection of the MSM community in Amsterdam. read more » ACS Publications The ACS publishes peer-reviewed scientific articles, theses and year reports. Since the start of the ACS, more than XXX articles and XXX theses have been published. Open-access data is available for educational purposes. ​ Public Data Publications Year Reports

  • ACS among MSM | ACS amsterdam

    « home ACS among men who have sex with men (MSM) As of 31 December 2020, 2,901 MSM were included in the ACS. Every three to six months, participants complete a standardised questionnaire designed to obtain data regarding medical history, sexual behaviour and drug use, psychosocial determinants, health care use, signs of depression and other psychological disorders, and demographics. Moreover, blood is collected for diagnostic tests and storage at the ACS biobank. Of the 2,901 MSM, 607 were HIV-positive at entry into the study and 263 seroconverted for HIV during follow up. In total, the GGD Amsterdam has been visited 63,154 times by MSM since 1984. Inclusion criteria. Currently, the ACS enrolls MSM who are HIV-negative or HIV-positive live in Amsterdam or are closely connected to the city have had at least one male sexual partner in the preceding 6 months ​ Over time, inclusion criteria slightly changed. In the periods 1985-1988 and 2004-2021, the ACS included MSM who were HIV-negative at baseline, while in the remaining years, HIV-positive MSM were included as well. From 1985 to 1989, the ACS included MSM who reported ≥2 male sex partners in preceding 6 months, instead of ≥1 partner. And between 1995 and 2004 inclusion was restricted to MSM of age 30 ≤30 years. The observed HIV incidence among MSM participating in the ACS has changed over time. Between 1985-1993, the HIV incidence rate declined significantly, which was followed by a stable incidence between 1993 and 1996, and a rising incidence in 1996-2009. From 2009 onwards, the HIV incidence decreased significantly. In 2019, two MSM participating in the ACS seroconverted for HIV. The HIV incidence rate was 0.11 per 100 person years (95%-confidence interval (CI) 0.02-0.81) in 2019. home Search Website

  • ACSPublications

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